Don’t Confuse Net Worth with Self Worth

We humans are prone to comparison and competition, and no where is this more apparent than in the state of our wealth. Despite my knowledge, experience and education (not to mention faith and values), I am not exempt from these troubles. But by learning about these and other financial/emotional struggles, I hope to teach you as well.

“Wealth (is) any income that is at least one hundred dollars more a year than the income of one’s wife’s sister’s husband.” Henry Louis Mencken

Some time ago I blogged about the problems with comparing yourself to others financially. As Desiderata reminds us, “If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter, for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.” Hmph, easier said than done (especially after brunching at a beautiful and spacious relative’s home). I think that it is this kind comparison that leads to unhealthy competition for material things, which inevitably gets us into trouble.
I wonder what would happen if we chose, instead, to question our values and priorities rather than our share of material blessings, and celebrate our gifts, talents and passions rather than ignore them (and subsequently take them for granted).
It’s worth a shot, don’t you think?

“Ordinary riches can be stolen; real riches cannot. In your soul are infinitely precious things that cannot be taken from you.” ~ Oscar Wilde, The Soul of Man under Socialism

There are those who constantly confuse their net worth with their self worth, because they have no other means of measuring their value. If you or someone you know suffers from this state of confusion, may I offer a suggestion? Create a “Self Worth Statement” listing all of your assets (abilities, skills, talents, traits) and including only those liabilities (debt, miserliness) that you are committed to overcoming (so they don’t overcome you). I think you may be surprised at your net worth -whether it be by it increasing or by you being content with what you have- if you create a healthy, stable self worth FIRST.

About Amy Jo Lauber

I help people who are overwhelmed take control & make good financial decisions with confidence and experience peace and abundance. Are you ready to say goodbye to working hard but not having anything to show for it? Go to "Let's Talk" tab to schedule your complimentary initial consultation and take the first step on the path to financial empowerment.
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2 Responses to Don’t Confuse Net Worth with Self Worth

  1. Pingback: Featured Blog: The moment in a parking lot that I realized a big truth – Life & Money

  2. Pingback: The moment in a parking lot that I realized a big truth | LIFE: Live Inspired, Financially Empowered

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