Manifesting: An Alternative to the Willpower You Don’t Have

turtledove(For those who received an earlier version I have no idea how it published itself.)

From the website, “Doves call you to regain your serenity. Do you feel off balance, or out of step with the world? Are you harried or frazzled? The dove reminds you to take a deep breath and release all your tension and stress.”

Ahhh, doesn’t that feel better?

Our daughter took this photo at The Buffalo Zoo. I love how it’s a bit hazy and twinkly and peaceful. That’s how it can be for us sometimes when we’re embarking on a new path in our life’s journey: We may be a bit hazy but the call of the path twinkles before us, beckoning us to step into the peace it has to offer.

I invite you to step.

The Joy of Budgeting support group was chock full last Saturday of people ready to take that next step with life coach extraordinaire Nancy Rizzo as our guide. Nancy taught (or reminded) us about the power of manifesting.

Manifesting is using the concept of mind over matter to call forth, to give thanks for what you request before it’s been given, to set your intention, to commit to an outcome, to trust that what you ordered (in Nancy’s analogy) from the Universe’s waiter will be brought to you. If you’re a person of faith, it’s prayer with complete trust.

But sometimes we DON’T get what we ordered. The prayer ISN’T answered in the way we wanted. What’s up with THAT?
(“Maybe it doesn’t really work,” you say.)

Sometimes, it doesn’t “work” because it’s not what is in your best interest.
Sometimes it doesn’t “work” because you didn’t really want what you stated; you wanted something different but didn’t have the words.
Usually, though, it’s because you didn’t believe it.

If you watch the movie The Secret, there’s a great image of little fiddlehead Zev Hoover's Fiddleoak-fiddleheadjust starting to sprout when the person’s thoughts are focuses on their intention but then…oooh nooo, discouragement creeps in and the fiddlehead starts to wither away.

You see, thoughts of discouragement are creative, too; you call forth the opposite of what you desire with your doubt.  I will warn you, once you start becoming aware of your thoughts and how creative they ARE, you will need to be more responsible for them and develop good thought hygiene.

I wrote about discouragement in this blog post and this one. Nancy talked about it, too, and about her “Joy versus Depletion” system (if you’d like to get her newsletter just click here, and if you’d like to receive mine click here). Referencing Mother Teresa’s quote, “To keep a lamp burning, we have to keep putting oil in it,” Nancy uses the power of manifesting to help keep your lamp burning and to stay, as she calls it, “on the Joy Road.”

Many people struggle with manifesting because they feel they are not worthy. One of Nancy’s most popular coaching elements is that you are worthy and deserving. If you have any doubts, those thoughts will contradict your good intentions which will cause the thoughts to get all tangled up and ultimately you will fail to manifest your original intention.

I tried a little manifesting a few months ago when business got a bit slow. I made up five of my “new client” packets, and within two days I had five new client appointments. Coincidence? Maybe. But ever since I’ve been so busy that I barely have the time to make up more packets!

On a completely different note, one day I was going to lunch with my good friend Alan and before we walked in I thought “I could really go for a peanut noodle salad.” Guess what the Thai peanut noodle saladspecial was that day. Verbatim. YUM!

Try manifesting first with calling forth something simple and non-consequential like a great parking spot, then move on to something bigger like winning a small prize or hearing from someone you wish would call, and once you get validation for your efforts, set your sights a little bigger.

In terms of financial security, financial freedom, financial empowerment, call forth what those things mean and look like to you. Improving your financial situation is rarely a matter of willpower, it’s a matter of intention, commitment, habit, and rewards. Some tools that can be helpful:

  • Create a vision board: This is a piece of poster board onto which you paste photos, quotes, scraps of fabric, etc. to help you call forth what you wish to experience. Put it somewhere you’ll see it regularly. Creating it, though, is as powerful as looking at it, if not more so.
  • You can also create a micro version of a vision board to keep in your wallet. I suggest a post it note with an affirmation (see below) and maybe a small photo of what it is you are trying to obtain/achieve/feel/experience.
  • You may also take your credit card bill, once paid, and white out the balance, rewriting in “$0” and the date you wish this to be true. Keep that with you as a reminder of what you are taking steps to achieve.
  • Affirmations: Too many people come to me saying, “I’m a mess with money” and the first thing I tell them to do, before we start any financial planning, is to change their words. Nancy advises “I am, I can, I do” phrases. I suggest trying on the following to see if they fit (and feel free to make up your own if they don’t):
    • I am making better financial decisions.
    • I can be a good steward of my money.
    • I do what I need to do to be more financially secure.

All of this work is for naught if you don’t commit. I share the following poem from Goethe who lived from 1749-1832:

Until one is committed
there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back,
always ineffectiveness.
Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation),
there is one elementary truth
the ignorance of which kills countless
ideas and splendid plans:
that the moment one definitely commits oneself,
then Providence moves too.
All sorts of things occur to help one
that would never have otherwise occurred.
A whole stream of events issues
from the decision raising in one’s favor
all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings
and material assistance which no man
could have dreamed would have come his way.
Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it.
Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.
Begin it now.

But you must not only affirm and commit, you must do the work! The thing about finances is they don’t necessarily get better when there’s more money coming in.

If you’re someone who feels like your money just evaporates, then having more of it doesn’t necessarily solve the issue and trying to drum up willpower when you’re already feeling discouraged won’t work. 

But having goals, support and structure around your money does help you take control and improve your situation. If you’re in WNY, come to The Joy of Budgeting support group but if you’re not be sure to subscribe to this blog  (see the box in the right column) so you get the information in your inbox.

Finally, believing in yourself is absolutely crucial. To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe.” ~ Anatole France

Be well, my friends.

About Amy Jo Lauber

I help people who are overwhelmed take control & make good financial decisions with confidence and experience peace and abundance. Are you ready to say goodbye to working hard but not having anything to show for it? Go to "Let's Talk" tab to schedule your complimentary initial consultation and take the first step on the path to financial empowerment.
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